Happy Friday Readers!
This post I think will mainly be about... well everything. There are a lot of words to be spoken in this terrifyingly empty box. Its the end of the second week at my school and let me tell ya I am welcoming a night in at my apartment.
So this week we lost a great. If you haven't heard this yet, go Google it. Steve Jobs was one of the co-founder, chairman and chief executive office of Apple. Seriously I should be telling you this. Go Google it! He was a good man I head. But personally I have not met him so I must say this from outside sources. But all over Stumbleupon, there are quotes of him. So I guess I'll put one on here.
Now this happens all the time when some famous person dies, and it's all over the media for two weeks and then no one cares after a while. Personally I'm a PC til death, even though at times I want to drop my little laptop out my second story window. I bet Mac's are great, ya... but well.. don't get me started. Sorry Steve, RIP
Moving right along, because that is what we should do so we don't get too depressed... Well I guess my next subject is just as depressing: CANCER! (Oh wow what a great
coincidence since Steve Jobs died of cancer)
I hate cancer. Its like a swear word in my life. All, and I mean all, of my pets have died of cancer. Chest cancer, liver cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer. Hate is not a strong enough word for how I feel about it. If you know me even a little you know I put animals before people always. So having my furry family members die of the C-word every damn time is truly heartbreaking. I would never wish this upon anyone. Fuck cancer. Straight up. Every time anyone asks me if I had three wishes from some magical lamp, my first wish is to have cancer never exist.
So guess what I'm doing this next year? I'm shaving my hair OFF! You heard it kids, my hair will be gone, and I'm pumped. Because a cancer patient does not get to choose their hair style and I will stand with them as a friend, family member, and a pet owner against cancer.
I'm so sick of hearing my friends giving excuses about how they could never shave off their hair. "Oh I would look so weird" "My parents would kill me" "I'd look like a man!"
This is what I say to that: Bull-fucking-shit.
I will look weird. For approximately 2 months. Oh well.
If my parents hate me for it, then I will remind them who I am doing it for.
If I look like a man and someone tells me such, well they better guard their loins.
I am shaving my hair when my school's Resident Hall Association does their annual St. Baldricks event where they get a bunch of people to shave off their hair. If you haven't seen me in the past 2 years or so, well... I have a lot of hair to shave off.
I hope some of you readers will join me and "Brave the Shave".
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