Saturday, September 24, 2011

Does the Date Doctor Really Get it Right?

Just recently at my college we had David Coleman the real life "Hitch" come and speak to our new and returning students during New Student Week. Right at the beginning he announced that he does not know anything about same-sex relationships because he has not been in one. He then goes onto explain that if you like girls listen to this part, and if you prefer men listen to this part... so on and so forth! But he made these points on how women let people know if they are interested and how men let people know if they are interested. However, I do not think that all women/men flirt the same way. Anyone who has been hit on by more than one person can notice this. I know after having a really hard breakup I am not going to keep eye contact with a person I am interested in. I do that because of trust issues no matter how long I have been single. I feel as the Date Doctor had some very good points but he did not address the LGBTQ community. He did generalize dating with what gender a person might conform to, but there are just some people who do not conform to the Gender Binary.

Later on that night I did hear a few of my peers having the same questions and concerns. So I want to know what schools can do to fill in the gaps to the student body who isn't always in the know? Sure we can invite them to Safe Zone training's and have tables out in our student center with information, but that really does not impact the student body at all.
I know my school is big on a lot of things, Education, ASL, Criminal Justice. But those are just majors I know that my school is big on having a safe and aware LGBTQA Community. However, I do think that there are too many students who aren't in the know about that community. I do identify in this community and I can tell you all from experience that, yes WOU has a great LGBTQA community, but multiply that by three and that is how many students are unaware/allies//// etc etc

"This is the first day of my life"

Since this is my first blog post ever on the face of this planet I feel as if I should dedicate it to my very outspoken, strong minded and lovely roommate/wifey Caetlyn Padgett. Deep down inside she is most likely giggling in a high pitched voice and clapping her hand furiously but then again, most likely not. For many years I have shunned blogging and many things of the like. However there were many reasons that made me change my mind in such a short amount of time. So here we go.
I guess I should give a disclaimer about my 'blog' so no one gets surprised by its contents. I do not believe in censoring ones work and if you want you can call this art... or not. So I will occasionally use profanity, talk about 'controversial' issues, and not always be 'PC'. Because we live in a world where everyone is a little too sensitive and maybe some people need to be pushed out of their comfort zones. It creates a better world where we don't have to be careful all the time. So here is your warning, right here. Right now. Proceed at your own risk. If you offend easily and have loose lips/keyboards maybe you should stay away.