Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wag More. Bark Less.

This week, the world will say goodbye to one of the sweetest, dumbest, dopey-est dogs alive. Jeannine (Jenny) Pepper Marie. She will be missed ever so much. She took a great liking to my mother and would wait on the 2nd floor stairs and look out the window every day my mom went to work. Mom, you will always be Jenny's favorite, don't forget that. She hated water and car drives. She loved biscuits and napping on the couch. She loved her buddy Ricco, and hopefully they will be happy together in doggy heaven. Because let me tell you... 
All dogs do go to heaven. 
Back in March my family lost Ricco Suave and it was sudden and not expected. I will not get to really say goodbye to either of my puppies because I am at college. Now we are losing Jenny and I feel terrible for not being there for my family. I cant get the words my mother said to me out of my head:  "We have to say goodbye and I just wish you were here." I know mommy, I wish I was too. I want so badly to be there. 
I'm not going to lie, but animals mean more to me than humans do 95% of the time. They are so selfless, they will love their humans until the day they die. They can be and will be your best friend. You can have the best conversations with them when no one else will listen. They are the definition of therapy. Pets have no owners, just less furry family. Pets are family.
I hope you all who are reading this go home or wherever and hug your pet. Be it dog, cat, mouse, rabbit or snake. Hug them. Animals know love. So show them some. 

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you they were there long before any of us."
-Robert Louis